User Experience Research – 30 Statistics You Should Know – Infographic / by Gavin Lau

Today I want to share a user experience research and statistics infographic with you created by ExperienceDynamics.

They share 30 stats to help you deliver content better and develop better design ideas.

Let me start by saying that you should be mobile by now, you should have mobile in your mind when you create a website, when you design and send emails when you create ads or landing pages.

Learn from my own mistake of not optimizing this site yet.

It takes time to rebrand a website and design, and it has taken me and my designer much longer then Id like… BUT it will be done soon.

This is where our parents advice of  “Do as I say, NOT As I Do” applies nicely. 


The infographic is long, so let’s get right to it. Let’s start with a few of my favorite stats.

1. 79% will search for another site to complete the task.

6. 52% of users said a bad mobile experience made them less likely to engage with a company.

10. 2/3 of mobile consumers are looking to make a purchase that same day.

25. 60% of consumers feel more positive with a brand after consuming content from it.

Consumers want easy, fast, helpful, and quality information. They want information delivered to them when and where THEY want it.


Here Is The User Experience Research and Statistics Infographic.

This should become a bookmark for future reading.
